Note: some of the older newsletters contain old phone numbers. Please refer to SALS’ contact page for current contact information.
43 posts found, showing 10 per page
Newsletter SALS April 24, 2007SALS Journal, Spring, 2007On June 2, SALS’ Solidarity Festival will celebrate 30 years of service in Fayette and adjacent counties. This year’s festival marks a landmark year and a major accomplishment for the organization. The festival will
take place at the SALS Community Center and grounds at Beards Fork. More Newsletter SALS December 22, 2006SALS Journal, Winter, 2006-2007On June 27th two documentaries on the Buffalo Creek Disaster were screened and discussed at SALS Community Center. Appalshop Filmmaker Mimi Pickering presented her awarding-winning films, THE
BUFFALO CREEK FLOOD: AN ACT OF MAN and BUFFALO CREEK REVISITED. More Newsletter SALS May 3, 2006SALS Journal, May, 2006On Saturday, May 13th SALS will celebrate another successful year with our annual Workers’ Solidarity Cultural Festival. We anticipate a wonderful day of entertainment and coming together of friends and supporters, new and old More Newsletter SALS December 9, 2005SALS Journal, Fall-Winter, 2005-2006In October, Governor Manchin issued a proclamation to officially “kick off” a brand new organization dedicated to help fund progressive nonprofit groups in our state - Community Shares of West Virginia (CSWV). This capitol press conference was the cumulation of several years of collaboration by the founding member organizations including SALS. More Newsletter SALS August 25, 2005SALS Journal, Spring-Summer, 2005SALS 15th annual Workers’ Solidarity Cultural Festival on May 21st was a big success. Folks came from around the region to our community center in Beards Fork on this pristine Spring day full of sunshine and had a great time watching the performers, visiting with old friends and making new ones. More Newsletter SALS December 12, 2004SALS Journal, Fall-Winter, 2004-2005This year has been a great year for volunteers here at SALS. The summer months were full of energy and the building of new relationships. Wave after wave of volunteers passed through our community. Each new group of volunteers brought something unique to our endeavor to build a better community. We appreciated their spirit of volunteerism and marveled at their commitment to our project. We met people from all over the world and of all ages. More Newsletter SALS May 6, 2004SALS Journal, Spring, 2004Everyone is invited to the Fourteenth Annual Workers’ Solidarity Cultural Festival at 1 PM, Saturday, May 22. This year we will be highlighting folksinger Anne Feeney, cultural artist Jude Binder, Shayar and Krooshal Force, the SALS Harpists, and several other performers to be announced. More Newsletter SALS December 16, 2003SALS Journal, Fall-Winter, 2003-2004U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) opened UHCAN’s 11th national conference with a hopeful and energetic call to grassroots activists to make sure that Congress and state legislatures around the country
“hear your voices loudly and clearly” so as to drown out the “naysayers and keepers of the status quo” who say health care for all cannot happen. More Newsletter SALS May 5, 2003SALS Journal, May, 2003The Southern Appalachian Labor School has received a grant of $2,150 from the Crandall, Pyles, Haviland & Turner Foundation, Inc., to assist coal miners and widows with federal black lung claims. More Newsletter SALS January 18, 2003SALS Journal, Winter, 2003Nicholas County Community Action Council is now sending area workers to SALS for flood relief efforts under a program called DREAP (Disaster Relief Emergency Assistance Program). SALS currently has thirty-three workers for twenty-six weeks to help assist families that were affected by the flood. More